Sound Healing in Chicago: Best Practices and Practitioner 

sound healing in Chicago

Exploring the transformative powers of sound healing in Chicago uncovers a vibrant landscape of therapeutic practices that beckon both locals and visitors alike. As an increasingly popular form of holistic healing, sound healing and its benefits offer an intriguing blend of ancient tradition and modern wellness. Within the bustling city of Chicago, enthusiasts and newcomers can find a sanctuary of sound that promises relaxation, healing, and a deepened sense of wellbeing. 

In this article, we delve into what sound healing encompasses, tracing its historical roots and unpacking the myriad of benefits it offers. Whether you’re looking for top sound healing in Chicago, considering a private sound bath in Chicago for a more intimate experience, or curious about sound bath meditation near you, we cover all the bases.

What is Sound Healing?

Sound healing, an ancient wellness practice, has been embraced globally for its profound impact on healing, relaxation, and self-care. In a typical sound healing session, we find ourselves in a cosy, comfortable setting, lying down with our eyes closed, immersed in the sounds emanating from instruments like chimes, gongs, and singing bowls. These sessions, often referred to as sound baths, allow us to ‘bathe’ in the soothing sounds, experiencing a deep, immersive auditory journey.

The core of best sound healing in Chicago lies in its use of vibrations.These vibrations of sound are strong enough to have a substantial impact on our bodies and minds. Studies have shown that sound healing can slow down our brain waves, ushering us into a relaxed, almost dreamlike state. This state not only aids in relaxation but may also help manage and alleviate various physical and mental health conditions.

The Science Behind Sound Healing

Sound vibrations impact us at a cellular level, influencing brain, nerve, muscle, and organ function. This interaction is fundamental to how sound healing channels its benefits. For instance, a 2020 review highlighted how sound therapy could transform agitated brain wave patterns into calm waveforms, significantly reducing our stress levels. This shift in brain activity helps decrease breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure, which in turn enhances immune system efficiency, reduces stress hormones, and triggers the release of endorphins, our body’s natural feel-good chemicals.

Experiencing a Sound Bath

A sound bath is more than just a passive listening experience; it is a full-body, deeply engaging practice that uses sound and mindfulness to foster therapeutic and restorative processes within us. As described by sound therapist Sara Auster, it’s about unplugging from external stimuli and tuning into our inner experiences. This invitation to a deeper state of consciousness through sound is what makes sound healing a powerful form of self-care and therapy.

Instruments and Techniques

In sound healing, a variety of instruments are used, each contributing uniquely to the healing process. From the resonant gongs and Tibetan bowls to the crystal singing bowls and the gentle tinkle of chimes, each instrument is played, not rhythmically, but intuitively, to guide participants through a journey of energetic highs and lows. This helps in shifting energies and promoting well-being across different levels of our existence—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

Sound healing stands out as a holistic approach to wellness that integrates ancient traditions with modern therapeutic techniques. It offers a peaceful respite from our daily stresses and serves as a nurturing practice to rejuvenate and restore our well-being.

History of Sound Healing in Chicago

Sound healing, an ancient therapeutic practice, has fascinated humanity for centuries, leveraging the profound impact of sound vibrations on relaxation, balance, and overall well-being. Sound therapy benefits have its roots in ancient cultures, when sound was highly valued for its ability to heal the mind, body, and spirit.

Chanting and prayers were used by priests in ancient Egypt to produce altered states of consciousness and facilitate healing. This was not just an Egyptian practice; voice chants, mantras, and musical instruments were used in the Nada Yoga tradition, also known as the yoga of sound, which originated in India and was used all over the world to balance and harmonise the chakras. These methods show how ancient cultures understood and harnessed the power of sound to influence human health and spirituality.

Indigenous civilizations around the world have long acknowledged the healing benefits of sound. Drumming, rattles, and chanting were employed in Native American and African shamanic traditions to induce trance states, communicate with spirits, and aid in mental and physical healing. This widespread acceptance of sound’s therapeutic benefits emphasises the essential role that sound plays in conventional medical procedures. 

The healing properties of sound were also acknowledged by the ancient Chinese culture. In order to restore balance and vigour to the body’s energetic pathways, traditional Chinese medicine used methods like Qigong and acupuncture, which recognized the complex relationship between the body and sound vibrations. These methods used precise frequencies and tones. The guqin, a seven-stringed zither, is one of the instruments used to improve meditation and encourage relaxation. 

Renowned philosophers like Pythagoras and Leonardo da Vinci investigated the mathematical and harmonic properties of sound during the Renaissance, which saw a rise in interest in the therapeutic properties of sound. The foundation for the creation of Western music theory, which emphasises sound as a tool for harmonising the human experience, was formed by the relationship between musical intervals and mathematical ratios discovered during this period. 

Sound therapy experienced a formal rebirth in the 20th century as researchers like Drs. Hans Jenny and Alfred Tomatis dug deeper into the psychological and scientific facets of the practice. The “Tomatis Method,” created by Dr. Tomatis, stimulates the auditory system and fosters cognitive development by using specially tuned music and sound frequencies. Dr. Jenny’s research on cymatics—the study of audible sound vibrations—showcased the patterns that various tones create visually, providing important new information about how sound affects matter.

This rich history of sound healing across various cultures and epochs underscores its enduring appeal and effectiveness as a holistic approach to health and well-being. As we continue to explore and understand the complexities of sound therapy, we embrace an ancient yet ever-evolving art that resonates deeply within the human psyche, promoting healing and transformation across all levels of our existence.

The Benefits of Sound Healing

An ancient practice deeply rooted in history, offers a myriad of sound healing benefits in Chicago ranging from mental relaxation to physical and emotional healing. As we explore the advantages of this therapeutic approach, we’ll focus on key areas including stress reduction, enhanced relaxation, improved sleep quality, and emotional release.

Stress Reduction

Sound healing has been shown to significantly alter our brain waves by transforming agitated patterns into calm waveforms. This shift not only helps in reducing stress but also decreases our breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure. As a result, our immune system functions more efficiently, stress hormones are reduced, and the release of endorphins increases, which are our body’s natural feel-good chemicals. These changes contribute to a substantial reduction in overall stress levels, making sound healing in Chicago a powerful tool for managing daily pressures.

Enhanced Relaxation

The process of sound healing induces a state of deep relaxation, which is essential in our fast-paced lives. The vibrations and tones produced during a sound bath or therapy session help to soothe the mind and relax the body. This state of relaxation is not just about quieting the mind but also about allowing the body to release tension and achieve a state of holistic calmness, which enhances overall well-being.

Improved Sleep Quality

One of the standout benefits of sound healing is its ability to improve sleep quality. The calming sounds help to slow down brain activity, shifting it from an active or anxious state to a more relaxed or even sleep-like state. This environment is conducive to falling asleep more easily and achieving a deeper, more restorative sleep. Studies have shown that sound therapy can help individuals who suffer from sleep disorders like insomnia, thereby enhancing the overall quality of life.

Emotional Release

Deeply ingrained in our brain, sound vibrations can help liberate repressed emotions and energetic blocks. Because it enables people to process and let go of old traumas, this release is essential for emotional healing because it results in tremendous emotional relief and personal progress. The relaxing tones provide a secure environment in which people can examine and let go of feelings that have been suppressed or unresolved.

With all of these advantages, sound healing provides a holistic approach to wellbeing that takes mental and emotional health in addition to physical health. Whether you’re seeking relief from chronic stress, looking to improve your sleep quality, or needing a space for emotional release, sound healing provides a unique and powerful solution to enhance your overall quality of life.

Types of Sound Healing Instruments

Exploring the diverse range of sound healing instruments reveals a fascinating array of tools each with unique properties and uses in therapeutic settings. We delve into some of the most popular instruments used in sound healing, including crystal singing bowls, gongs, tuning forks, and drums, each offering distinct benefits and experiences.

Crystal Singing Bowls

Crystal singing bowls, often made from pure quartz, produce clear, resonant tones that are said to correspond with the body’s chakras or energy centres. These instruments are not only beautiful to look at but their pure tones are believed to penetrate deeply into the body, promoting healing and balance. The frequencies of crystal singing bowls in Chicago range from 200 to over 1000 Hertz, each tuned to specific notes that resonate with different chakras, from C through B, aligning with the seven main energy centres. The vibrations from these bowls can help reduce tension, facilitate stress release, and may aid in alleviating physical ailments.


Gongs are profound instruments in sound therapy, known for their rich, enveloping sounds that can vary from deep and stirring to bright and uplifting. Gongs emit sound waves that enter the body and facilitate profound relaxation and healing. For thousands of years, these instruments have been employed for both ceremonial and therapeutic reasons in many different civilizations. The vibrations of gongs are particularly effective in calming the mind and body, helping to reduce stress and enhance well-being. They are also noted for their ability to move stagnant energy, potentially aiding in emotional and physical healing.

Tuning Forks

Tuning forks are precise instruments used in both music and healing therapies. They come in two main types: weighted and unweighted. Weighted tuning forks are often used in therapeutic settings to help relax muscles and alleviate pain by being placed on specific pain points or areas needing attention. Unweighted forks, on the other hand, are used to clear and balance the body’s energy fields. When struck, tuning forks create a specific pitch based on their frequency, which can help align the body’s natural frequencies, promoting health and balance.

Popular Sound Healing Center in Chicago- Saints and Angels 

At Saints and Angels, we immerse ourselves in an environment where ancient wisdom meets modern vibrational therapy, creating a serene oasis for the mind, body, and spirit. The centre is renowned for its gentle melodies of crystal singing bowls in Chicago, binaural beats, and other sacred instruments. Each session is designed to promote deep relaxation, stress relief, and spiritual alignment, making it a sacred space for renewal and restoration. Whether seeking inner peace, emotional release, or a moment of tranquillity, the sessions here offer a journey of celestial sound where the divine symphony of Saints and Angels awaits. The therapeutic experience is unique and ancient, recommended for various physical ailments and emotional or psychological issues, ensuring a full-body experience that helps restore vibrational balance and clear energetic blockages.

Private and Group Sessions

In the realm of sound healing in Chicago, both private and group sessions offer unique benefits tailored to meet the needs of individuals and communities alike. Here, we explore the distinct advantages of each setting, helping you decide which might best suit your journey towards wellness.

Private Sessions

Private sessions in sound healing provide a deeply personalised experience. During these one-on-one encounters, a certified sound healer tailors the session specifically to address your personal goals, whether they are focused on emotional healing, physical well-being, or spiritual exploration. This customization allows for the use of specific instruments and techniques that resonate uniquely with you, enhancing the effectiveness of the session.

The benefits of private sound healing sessions include:

  1. Personalised Experience: Tailored specifically to your individual needs, concerns, and goals.
  2. Individual Attention: The sound healer focuses solely on your unique healing needs, providing dedicated attention and guidance.
  3. Customised Techniques: The healer selects instruments and approaches that best resonate with your personal healing journey.

For instance, at Saints and Angels, private sessions are designed around your schedule and specific physical or emotional states. Whether you need a session after a stressful meeting or a long flight, or you want to focus on specific chakras, the session is adapted each time to meet your needs at that moment. The strategic placement of singing bowls around your body during these sessions enhances the immersive experience of the sound bath, ensuring maximum benefit.

Group Sessions

When people come together to immerse themselves in the healing sounds and vibrations produced by sound healers, it’s known as a group sound bath. These sessions usually take place in social healing environments such as health retreats, events, or dedicated sound healing locations.

The advantages of participating in group sound baths include:

  1. Collective Energy: Harnessing the group’s collective energy creates a supportive and uplifting healing environment.
  2. Shared Experience: Making connections with people who share your interests cultivates a feeling of belonging and mutual understanding.
  3. Amplified Vibrations: The healing experience is made more potent and immersive by the combined vibrations of several participants and instruments.

Community Events

Community events in sound healing provide a broader platform for engaging with sound therapy within a larger group setting. These events often include guided meditations, sound baths, and interactive sessions that promote communal healing and personal transformation.

Key features of community sound healing events include:

  1. Transformative Experiences: Events like those held at Chicago’s 105F South Loop studio offer guided sound bath meditations that harmonise creativity with the universe.
  2. Educational Segments: Participants receive insights into sound therapy, learning how it works in conjunction with meditation to facilitate personal healing.
  3. Inclusive Settings: These events are designed to be accessible, requiring only an open mind and comfortable attire, making them ideal for anyone looking to start or deepen their sound healing journey.

By participating in private sessions, group sessions, or community events, individuals in Chicago have the opportunity to explore sound healing in a manner that best suits their needs, contributing to a holistic approach to wellness that integrates beautifully with modern life.

Corporate Sound Healing

In today’s fast-paced corporate world, the importance of employee well-being cannot be overstressed. Corporate sound healing is an innovative approach that utilises the ancient practice of sound therapy to enhance workplace wellness. Sound healing sessions use instruments such as singing bowls, gongs, and tuning forks to produce a calming soundscape that affects the body and mind, promoting a sense of balance and relaxation.

1. The Impact of Stress on Productivity

Stress is often referred to as the arch-nemesis of productivity. Excessive stress can lead to burnout, reduced concentration, and diminished work quality. By assisting staff in managing stress, sound healing sessions in the workplace can counteract these effects and foster the focused, alert frame of mind that is necessary for productive work.

2. Enhancing Creativity and Innovation

Creativity is the backbone of innovation within any organisation. Sound healing has been linked to enhanced creative thinking. The gentle vibrations produced during a sound healing session can stimulate the brain’s creative centres, sparking fresh ideas and innovative solutions to workplace challenges.

3. Fostering a Harmonious Work Environment

A harmonious work environment significantly boosts employee morale and engagement. Regular sound healing sessions contribute to creating a positive workplace culture that fosters well-being and unity among team members. This not only encourages collaboration but also aligns shared goals across the organisation.

4. Revitalising Employee Energy

Sound healing sessions in Chicago are particularly effective in revitalising the body’s energy centres. Employees often leave these sessions feeling more energised and ready to tackle their tasks with renewed vigour and enthusiasm.

5. Strategic Integration in Corporate Wellness Programs

Incorporating sound healing into corporate wellness programs can be transformative. By prioritising employee well-being and offering regular sound healing sessions, businesses can experience multiple benefits including reduced absenteeism, enhanced employee engagement, and an increased ability to attract top talent.

6. Practical Implementation

Sound healing can be seamlessly integrated into the workplace without requiring extensive training or discipline, making it accessible to a wide range of employees. It can be facilitated through dedicated sessions in the office or via virtual guided meditations that employees can participate in from home.

7. Benefits to the Organization

From a corporate perspective, the benefits of implementing sound healing are manifold. It not only aids in stress management but also enhances overall well-being, leading to a healthier, more productive workplace. The flexibility and ease of integrating sound healing make it a practical addition to any corporate wellness program.

By embracing sound healing, companies are not just investing in the health of their employees but are also setting a foundation for a more dynamic, creative, and productive work environment.


The journey through the world of sound healing in Chicago brings to light the profound effects that sound can have as a holistic approach to healing. Summarising the key points, we’ve explored the science and history behind sound healing, delving into the varieties of instruments used and the transformative experiences provided by both private and group sessions across myriad centres in the city. Reflecting on the discussions, it’s clear that whether through ancient rituals or modern practices, sound healing offers a beacon of relaxation, balance, and well-being in the bustling life of Chicago, reinforcing its place as a nurturing respite for the mind, body, and spirit.

Looking ahead, the implications of sound healing extend far beyond personal tranquillity, touching on improved productivity in corporate environments and the fostering of community through shared experiences. It’s a testament to the timelessness of sound therapy and its adaptability to contemporary needs—encouraging further research and participation. As we conclude, it is worth acknowledging Chicago’s vibrant landscape of sound healing as both a sanctuary and a hub for those seeking rejuvenation. Embracing sound healing is embracing a path to holistic well-being, inviting an exploration of its profound benefits and a deeper connection with the harmonious vibrations that surround us.