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10″ 7-Note Perfect Pitch Empyrean Crystal Singing Bowl Set #set541


10″ 7-Note Perfect Pitch Empyrean Crystal Singing Bowl Set #set541

This set includes all 7 Notes of the C Major Scale: C – D – E – F – G – A – B

This set is unique in that each bowl is 10″ in diameter.

Each note is within approximately 5 cents Perfect Pitch 440Hz Tuning Standard, harmonizing perfectly with each other as well as other 440Hz tuned instruments.

The C Major Scale produces a cheery and uplifting progression, which can be played in varying order to produce multiple melodies.


Bowls included:

10″ Perfect Pitch C Note Empyrean Crystal Singing Bowl #ca0010cp5 31003090(Sound)

Octave: 4   Note Frequency: 262.4 Hz   Avg Rim Thickness: 3.3 mm


10″ Perfect Pitch D Note Empyrean Crystal Singing Bowl #ca0010dp5 31003093 (Sound 2)

Octave: 4   Note Frequency: 294.3 Hz   Avg Rim Thickness: 3.3 mm


10″ Perfect Pitch E Note Empyrean Crystal Singing Bowl #ca0010ep5 31003094 (Sound 3)

Octave: 4   Note Frequency: 330.4 Hz   Avg Rim Thickness: 4.2 mm


10″ Perfect Pitch F Note Empyrean Crystal Singing Bowl #ca0010fpp0 31003096 (Sound 4)

Octave: 4   Note Frequency:  349.5 Hz   Avg Rim Thickness: 4.9 mm


10″ Perfect Pitch G Note Empyrean Crystal Singing Bowl #ca0010gpp0 31003078 (Sound 5)

Octave: 4   Note Frequency: 392 Hz   Avg Rim Thickness: 6.4 mm


10″ Perfect Pitch A Note Empyrean Crystal Singing Bowl #ca0010app0 31003054 (Sound 6)

Octave: 4   Note Frequency: 439.8 Hz   Avg Rim Thickness: 6.2 mm


10″ Perfect Pitch B Note Empyrean Crystal Singing Bowl #ca0010bpp0 31002604 (Sound 7)

Octave: 4   Note Frequency: 494 Hz   Avg Rim Thickness: 7.8 mm


Each bowl includes a free suede-wrapped striker and a rubber o-ring base.

The sound samples are of the actual bowls.