
8-13″ 432Hz 6-Note Wholetone Melodic Empyrean Crystal Singing Bowl Set #set360


8-13″ 432Hz 6-Note Wholetone Melodic Empyrean Crystal Singing Bowl Set #set360

This set includes 6 Empyrean crystal bowls which produce a wonderful arrangement of notes: C# – D# – F – G – A – B

Each note of this set is approximately 25-30 cents flat of 440Hz Perfect Pitch Tuning, making it perfect in pitch with 432Hz tuning.

The Wholetone scale is mysterious and curious in mood and melody.


Bowls included:


13″ 432Hz Perfect Pitch C# Note Empyrean Crystal Singing Bowl #ca0013csm30 31001577

Octave: 4   Note Frequency: 272.2 Hz   Avg Rim Thickness: 6.7 mm


12″ 432Hz Perfect Pitch D# Note Empyrean Crystal Singing Bowl #ca0012dsm30 31000202

Octave: 4   Note Frequency: 306.9 Hz   Avg Rim Thickness: 6.8 mm


11″ 432Hz Perfect Pitch F Note Empyrean Crystal Singing Bowl #ca0011fm30 31000583

Octave: 4   Note Frequency:  344.6 Hz   Avg Rim Thickness: 6.5 mm


10″ 432Hz Perfect Pitch G Note Empyrean Crystal Singing Bowl #ca0010gm30 31000365

Octave: 4   Note Frequency: 385.5 Hz   Avg Rim Thickness: 6.2 mm


9″ 432Hz A Note Empyrean Crystal Singing Bowl #ca009am25 31001075

Octave: 4   Note Frequency: 434 Hz   Avg Rim Thickness: 5.4 mm


8″ 432Hz B Note Empyrean Crystal Singing Bowl #ca008bm25 31001199

Octave: 4   Note Frequency: 486 Hz   Avg Rim Thickness: 3.6 mm


Each bowl includes a free suede-wrapped striker and a rubber o-ring base.

The sound samples are of the actual bowls.