14″ C Note (plus 5 cents)
13″ D Note (plus 5 cents)
12″ E Note (plus 5 cents)
11″ F Note (plus 5 cents)
10″ G Note (plus 5 cents)
9″ A Note (plus 5 cents)
8″ B Note (plus 5 cents)
7″ C Note (plus 5 cents)
This set includes all whole notes from C to B, making a Full C major scale which produces a bright and uplifting melody while also aligning with all of the main chakras. Each note of this set is approximately 5 cents sharp of the 440Hz Perfect Pitch tuning, harmonizing well with other instruments of this tuning, and perfectly with one another.
Each bowl in this set includes a suede-wrapped striker and a rubber o-ring.
*Cent values are rounded to the nearest 5 cents.
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